Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Time to start sharing knowledge, something personal

I know that I have more to learn than I have to teach.
I also know that I should teach what I know, even while I am still learning.

I am in my mid-twenties, still searching for my path in life. Transformation occurs within me on an almost daily basis, re-aiming my goals and directions, causing me to re-evaluate what I once thought was important, normal, righteous.

I intend to live a life directed not by societal expectations, but by compassion for my fellow beings, human and otherwise, as well as the deep knowledge that my intuition has more often lead me in the right direction than have the expectations of America. I intend to be unpredictable and spontaneous, to live outside of categories and norms, to not take for granted many of the things that the majority seems to.

I do not watch TV (commercials especially).
I try to spend more time outside than inside.
I eat responsibly grown and raised foods, most of which I know the source of.
I have a strong belief that the world, and especially America, is poised for major change in the coming 10-20 years. Not only politically and economically, but a core change in the values and understanding of the people, the way we are connected to the planet, and how our actions will affect the lives of future generations.
I believe in a healthy, active lifestyle, minimizing consumption of disposable goods.
I am an advisor to the California Student Sustainability Coalition (CSSC) http://sustainabilitycoalition.org/

I teach recycling and composting education for the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA)
I am going to Costa Rica & Belize for the summer to lead a trip for Wilderness Ventures. http://wildernessventures.com/summer_programs/trip.php?id=69&cat_id=3
I crave the knowledge of the natives of this land, though I know that much of it has been lost, and most of the rest has been changed.

I just finished a 3 day solo backpack through the Santa Lucia Wilderness near Arroyo Grande, CA, my current home.

I wish love upon you and all the creatures of this world.

I write on a huge range of topics, but much of what I write are simply the random wanderings of my mind.


Unknown said...

You are amazing! I love you so much - words will never describe my love for you, and time will never end it.

Unknown said...

Good Blog. Yay!